Pet-matching website with the aim of matching pet seekers with dogs and cats in local animal shelters.
For dealers of UnaliWear’s Kanega watch: a smart-watch designed for senior citizens in order for them to age in place, and with dignity.
Interactive prototype and data visualization dashboard designed to visualize the survival rate of passengers and crew aboard the RMS Titanic.
I’m a hyper-aware visual designer with a passion for communicating ideas beautifully. I believe in creating designs that capture the ethos of a brand or product. I love and welcome the challenge of creating simple solutions to complex problems.
The creative spirit has made me innovative. I continue to find new ways to utilize art forms that have gone by the wayside in the wake of the digital age.
I was raised in Carpinteria, California: the best little beach town you’ve never heard of. El Deano had me in the ocean early and kept me away from the TV during daylight. I was encouraged to be resourceful and came to prefer creating my own experiences over paying for them.
The umbrella of resourcefulness under which I was raised kept away the rain of normalcy, “the Man”, conformity, what have you. It taught me to question authority, challenge it when appropriate, always in a respectful manner. This lens with which I was taught to view the world gave me a keenly focused sense of creativity, which has found its way into most of the facets of my life.
This creative spirit, which I cannot say I own or hold or pretend to understand, led me to pursue a college degree in studio art. After learning practical art forms, I started using mixed media, often in ways for which they weren’t intended. This resulted in art pieces that communicated an aura of introspection, exploration, comfort and human connection.
I often feel like a telephone wire or a fiber-optic cable; receiving, translating and transmitting the ideas that bounce between the tangible and digital worlds. I’m always working to convey and organize information in a way that is useful, beautiful, and makes sense.
I was given my grandfather’s acoustic guitar from the 1930s on my 15th birthday, and the music never stops. Raised on Motown and Soul by Cynthie (mom) and Rock and Roll by El Deano (dad), I developed an insatiable appetite for groove-driven music, and have striven to incorporate the ineffable spirit of "the groove" or "the pocket" into my life and sounds I create.
Cynthie baked traditional Greek pastries, and El Deano baked pies. Their baking acumen inspired in me an obsessive pursuit of the perfect loaf of bread. I have managed and operated several bread businesses, and attended an 18-week Advanced Bread and Pastry course at the prestigious San Francisco Baking Institute.
I rode my first wave at the age of 7 and have spent the majority of my life in and around the ocean. Over the years, I have had a penchant for riding single fin surfboards from the 1970s as that era was, in my opinion, the pinnacle of surfing style. Aside from traditional surfing, I love bodysurfing and inflatable mat surfing.
I was given my grandfather’s acoustic guitar from the 1930s on my 15th birthday, and the music's never stopped. Raised on Motown and Soul by Cynthie (mom) and Rock and Roll by El Deano (dad), I developed an insatiable appetite for groove-driven music, and have striven to incorporate the ineffable spirit of "the groove" or "the pocket" into my life and sounds I create.
Cynthie baked traditional Greek pastries, and El Deano baked pies. Their baking acumen inspired in me an obsessive pursuit of the perfect loaf of bread. I have managed and operated several bread businesses, and attended an 18-week Advanced Bread and Pastry course at the prestigious San Francisco Baking Institute.
I rode my first wave at the age of 7 and have spent the majority of my life in and around the ocean. I love riding singlefins and bonzers shaped during or inspired by the 1970s. That era was, in my opinion, the pinnacle of surfing style. Aside from traditional surfing, I love bodysurfing and surf-mat riding.
Polaroid Transfer
Digital Drawing
Polaroid Transfer
35mm film
35mm film
35mm film
Digital Drawing
Digital Drawing
Digital Drawing
Polaroid Transfer
Digital Drawing
Polaroid Transfer
35mm film
35mm film
35mm film